Process Over Perfection Movement

When you focus on the process, you learn about yourself and that your ideas matter. Give your child a creative mindset that empowers them, not a canvas that will only live on your wall temporarily.

Process Art
Starter Guide


Want to create with your little one(s) but unsure where to start?

Forget about craft projects. Let's nurture your child's creativity by giving them access to a wide range of materials, the opportunity to play, wonder and push boundaries. Instead of worrying about the right steps or perfecting the look of a project, let's enjoy the process. The canvas may last a good few years but the memories will last forever.

Our Mission is

to change the way adults create with children through child-led and play-based art education

( some called it Process Art and art play). We challenge parents, caregivers and educators to rethink about creativity in early childhood: why is it important to let young children touch things with their hands?

What does messy play have to do with creativity and problem solving?

Hi, I'm Cassidy

(she/her), OCT, B.Ed., BDES.

I help parents and educators create with young children by teaching them to follow the children's lead, make use of available resources and play with art processes. My simple method can be applied at home, childcare centres and any setting that provides care for children.

How I can help you

Service #1

Virtual Workshops

Service #2

Art House Membership

Downloadable resources

Coming soon

Parents love us!


Headline that hooks people in, gets them excited and makes them want to sign up.

© Copyright 2023 Cassidy Tsang